Music creator roles ranked by Income potential


When it comes to navigating the financial landscape of the music industry, understanding the income potential, and cap, of different creator roles is essential. From musicians to catalog owners, each role offers its own unique opportunities and challenges. Let's explore these roles and how they stack up in terms of income potential.

Let's dive in.

1. Musicians: Paving the Way

For many musicians, the road to financial success can be challenging. Starting out by performing at local venues or events, income may be minimal. While some achieve success through performances, royalties, and other revenue streams, the reality is that the income potential for musicians tends to be lower compared to other roles in the industry.


2. Songwriters: The Path of Persistence

Songwriters embark on a journey marked by patience and persistence. While the process of earning income from songwriting can be slow and arduous, the rewards can be significant in the long run. With royalties continuing to flow in for successful songs over time, songwriters have the opportunity to build a steady income stream, albeit through a process that requires dedication and perseverance.


3. Music Producers: Diversifying Income Streams

Music producers enjoy a wide array of potential income streams, setting them apart in terms of financial stability. Not only can they charge production fees for their services, but they also typically receive royalties and may share in publishing rights as co-writers. This multifaceted income structure provides producers with the opportunity to start making a decent living sooner and build a solid financial foundation for their careers.


4. The Catalog Owner/Copyright Stacker: Maximizing Potential

For those who own music catalogs or stack copyrights, the income potential is unparalleled. By accumulating a portfolio of songs and assets over time, catalog owners can generate substantial income through royalties and licensing opportunities. With the potential for long-term and passive income, owning a music catalog represents the pinnacle of financial success in the music industry.


What if this was a journey, and they were steps towards financial freedom? 



At which step are you currently? Are you making the moves needed to go in the right direction?

For most music creators, cashflow and stability is the main challenge. Having a recurring income that covers rent, electricity and food, changes everything. This is why I always tell any upcoming music creator to start building a strategic music catalog. The recurring income from a healthy and functional music catalog will give you peace of mind so you can create without the financial pressure and stress.

So, what do you need to do? You need to start your journey as a catalog builder right now. I have built a music catalog as a solo music creator that is currently bringing in close to $40.000 a month. And you can do the same. 

I have built a music catalog, but at the end of the day it's an asset that I can sell, or leave to my kids the day I'm gone. Imagine leaving behind an asset, or a pile of money, that will help your kids build the life they want. Maybe it will help them have a little bit of funding capital so they can start their business? Or maybe it's the financial cushion they need to life a peaceful life without the financial pressure and stress you've been living with? I didn't build a music catalog only for me, I built it for my future and for my children. And I could do it because I was a music creator, like you. 

If you are ready to start your journey as a catalog builder, I would love to help you get started. Doing it right from the beginning will save you a lot of time, so let me point you to my mini course called "Catalog Foundations". This will teach you everything you need to know to build a strategic and profitable music catalog. You'll gain valuable insights and practical strategies for maximizing your earnings and achieving long-term financial success in the music industry. 

Go to: to get started now.

Good luck my fellow music creator. Let me know how your journey is going. 


Whenever you're ready. Here's how I can help you:

The Catalog Lab™:

Having a stable recurring income from a music catalog is potentially life-changing. The Catalog Lab™ program will teach you the system I used to build my $1M dollar catalog, and how you can do the same.
Start by watching the free workshop below. 

Free Workshop

How to build a profitable catalog

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